As announced in our article titled BCDA Aeronautical Solutions present at the webinar «Smart Cities 2020» of the Miami Chamber of Commerce. The CEO of BCDA Aeronautical Solutions, Angel Lovera; was present at the webinar with different participations. Today we leave you an extract of the participation of Angel Lovera, responding to one of the questions that were asked:

First Participation of Angel Lovera:

Susan Amat: I love to hear more about BCDA and understand especially the kind of work you are doing on the ground, and where big transformation is happening from the Smart Cities mindset in the airports.

Angel Lovera: Thank you very much Susan, yes, like everybody’s been saying, there is a key element that everybody has been around, is that the teamwork is really necessary to achieve goals or to achieve if you want the city to be smarter if you want a country to be smart if you want an organization to be smarter. Teamwork is the key element, so basically what we are doing is a little what we are working with Amazon Web Services, we are working with connectivity, we are working with infrastructure, and we are trying to put all those things together and give it a little touch of innovation, so we can bring solutions like the art that you are saying in Miami, like parking solutions, and we have adapted it to airports and not only airports, Susan, because in my case, in our case specifically BCDA Aeronautical Solutions is focused on aviation and airports, but we can also do that or translate it to ports as well…

To be smart there’s a couple of elements that you have to be, you have to have integration, you have to have efficiency, you have to be low cost.

In this video, you can see the full version of the webinar “Smart Cities 2020”:

Angel Lovera’s interventions are found at minutes 9:09, 46:52, 1:01:42, 1:13:40 and 1:18:53.

What do you think of the Webinar? What other question would you like to ask the CEO of BCDA Aeronautical Solutions?

If you have any doubt or question you can contact us or write your query in the comments section below.

Image of Tumisu via under creative commons license.

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