In recent months, the phrase “social distancing” has become part of everyday life, since it is one of the most effective methods to avoid the spread of Covid-19 since March this year, maintaining a distance of one meter between people is necessary to protect their health and that is why many entities have had to modify the process as they provide their services.

In the article: Changes that may occur on commercial flights by the Covid-19, some modifications that are being made from the airport sector to continue operating and to ensure the health of passengers, without running the risk of becoming infected, have been mentioned for coronavirus. Also, some changes were commented that are still being evaluated, such as leaving the middle seat empty.

How they will maintain distance on flights

Several experts consider that the planes are not prepared or designed to maintain distance between passengers, in fact, it seems contradictory, because in recent years what has been sought is to optimize the space of the units so that they can enter as many people as possible, which has caused benefits for passengers because the cost of tickets could be much cheaper.

Although it may be difficult to comply with this measure provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), airlines are aware that changes are necessary that can provide safety to passengers and their crew. We know that the distance between a stewardess and a passenger when requesting help during a flight is more complicated, which is why the staff has gloves, masks and some even protective suits.

In order to make passengers feel safe, there are airlines that have already modified their sales not to promote the middle seat and therefore have reduced their capacity. Some of these airlines are Delta or American; on the contrary, Frontier airline has mentioned that they will not make this change and if the customer wishes, they will make an extra payment for it.

On the other hand, the airline Delta Airlines with this same vision of providing greater security has also modified the way in which passengers enter aircraft, currently, they rigorously tackle from back to front, this, in order for passengers who have seats in the back do not pass to the side of those who sit at the top of the plane.

In this same order of ideas, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has stated that restricting the use of central seats is ideal to comply with social distancing within aircraft. Although they consider that the evidence of the spread of the virus in airplanes is limited, it is necessary that appropriate measures can be taken to continue providing airport security.

What do you think about this topic? Is it necessary is social distancing on flights?

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Image by Mary1826 via under Creative Commons license.

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