Many people believe that the life of an aviation pilot is very simple, but above all, this person must always be mentally and physically capable for this great job; the aeronautical area is very stressful and when you have greater responsibilities or guidelines that must be followed, we will explain several points below.

The Health is first.

Regarding the physical and mental health of the pilot, this should always be the priority in any sector you work in, be it a cargo pilot, private or commercial. The various laws in the different countries or areas where one works, but examinations must first be carried out annually or every six months; everything will depend on the age of the pilot.

For this, it is necessary to maintain a special quality of life, where food and exercise are the main thing in life; Due to the stress load on each flight or work, it is necessary to achieve a balance in life and that is why rest periods must be strictly adhered to, so that when performing your work you have extreme agility, to prevent any problem .

The knowledge is essential

Knowing the plane and possible failures are essential for a pilot, but for a commercial pilot this is tested every six months, because the responsibility he has for carrying large numbers of people on each flight is paramount.

The flight simulators are made very realistic; this is because these equipments are the exact reproduction of the airplane cabin,  in which they normal and abnormal procedures are performed as in a normal flight are made, but this time they are evaluated by an instructor; This person must report all the strengths and weaknesses to improve it; If you find yourself below average, remove it from the flight line until you improve or are better trained.

The work days are not always what you think

For any pilot, his work day does not start when starting the plane, this has big steps first, which are essential for any flight. The briefing as it is called to know or carry out all the data of the flight to be executed; Here the route and its meteorology, the weight and load balance of the plane are reviewed, and especially any damage that the aircraft may have.

Then you can go to the aircraft which must be inspected, firstly documentary, that has all the permits, then check all the cockpit instruments and configure everything for the start, then visually inspect it by turning the entire aircraft, thoroughly checking that there is nothing that could affect the flight, finally talk to the entire crew about everything that can happen on the flight. If you want you can read our previous article titled Importance of security at commercial airports

What do you think about this topic? Do you think being a pilot is a simple job?

If you want to know more about what it is like to be a pilot, you can contact us or write your query at the bottom (comments section).

Image by 12019 via under creative commons license.

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