In recent months, the world has been attentive to the virus that started on the Asian continent in the city of Wuhan, in China in 2019, this, due to its rapid increase and its effect on the population.

On March 11 the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that COVID-19 was considered a Pandemic, due to its expansion in different countries simultaneously at present.

After this news, many countries have decided to declare a state of emergency and start a quarantine to protect the health of their habitants, which has caused a change in the commercial flights.

Flight decisions by COVID-19

From the airport point of view, the limitation of flights has begun, mainly to commercial flights due to the low number of people who fly; Some countries have chosen to accept only the income of their citizens, however, due to the increase, most have decided to completely close the airport.

These decisions, caused at first moment that the number of commercial flights decreased significantly, in fact, currently most airlines that provide this type of services are paralyzed by the measures taken.

Benefits for private flights

While the pandemic is affecting commercial flights and the permanence of many airlines, private flights have increased in recent weeks; Experts consider that, firstly, it is due to common sense because it allows greater safety of people on board and secondly, the Covid-19.

Private airlines benefited

The Swiss company Luna Jets reports that flight orders have increased 30% and others have had up to a 300% increase in demand. In the case of Air Charter in Hong Kong, they comment that during the months of January and February there was an increase of 70% in the request for their services.

The different companies across the five continents that provide private services have benefited from the virus that currently plagues the world, because people consider it safer and will be able to avoid the virus.

Causes of the increase in private flights

From the moment the virus has started to spread exponentially, people have sought ways to protect themselves with their families, which is why those with a high monetary income have requested through private flights to be taken to other areas where there are no fewer infected.

The airlines report that, the most of them have been new users who have requested their services, in fact, they comment that they are entire families trying to flee the coronavirus. However, they report that their regular users also continue to request their services.

What do you think about this article? Can private airlines provide greater security in your transfer?

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